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Real Football 2013 | Real Football Manager 2013 ( Symbian Games )

Real Football 2013 have better graphics than any of its earlier versions and though it may not be hugely evident at first glance but you will realize it for sure once you pick up your team and start to play. The players move more smoothly, the passing of the ball is much more fluid and the goalkeeper movements during a penalty kick or spot kick are much more realistic. Performing tricks and special dribbling techniques always was quite easy on nearly all versions of Real Football and this one is no different. You can easily perform advanced technical moves with the press of a button provided that you are good with the timings of these moves, other wise you will only end up losing the ball to the opponent – specially when you are trying to perform these tricks against a defender.
Real Football 2013
The improvements are not vast or anything major but enough tiny improvements are there within the game in terms of graphics and performance. The game play itself hasn’t changed much and neither have the default controls scheme. Bluetooth multiplayer is kept as is compared to the earlier version of Real Football 2013. The multiplayer mode does not lag as much as I can tell so far.


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Hi.... I am Deizzie and Thank you very much for visiting this blog
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